Saturday, July 25, 2015

Players for August 1

Harper Mike confirm to Al Miller at
Ingersoll Bob
LepkowskiBob BALLS
Miller Al
Morgan Lloyd confirm to Al Miller at
Pappas Dean confirm to Al Miller at
Taylor Bob
Wentz Pete

Standings After 11 Weeks

2014 2014 Last 2015 Player W L Pct.
Pct Rank Week Rank        
0.656 2 1 1 BowenBrian 12 6 0.667
0.667 1 5 2 SeebergDan 11 6 0.647
0.500 8 4 3 Pappas Dean 14 8 0.636
0.391 10 2 4 SnedikerBob 10 7 0.588
0.370 11 9 5 Ingersoll Bob 13.0 10.5 0.553
0.600 5 8 6 Gerber Dave 15.0 12.5 0.545
NA NA 3 7 Howell David 9 8 0.529
0.615 3 6 T8 Wentz Pete 11 11 0.500
0.593 6 7 T8 Harper Mike 10 10 0.500
0.615 NA 10 10 MorganLloyd 7.5 8.0 0.484
0.200 13 11 T11 Taylor Bob 12 14 0.462
0.611 4 12 T11 Graham Mike 6 7 0.462
0.550 7 13 13 Bremer Bob 10 13 0.435
0.389 NA 14 14 BrewerJack 11 15 0.423
NA NA 15 15 FlanaginJohn 7 10 0.412
0.333 12 16 16 DuffyBrian 6 21 0.222
0.222 13 17 17 Miller Al 3 13 0.188
0.429 9 LepkowskiBob 3 0 1.000

Results for July 25

Lepkowski-Ingersoll 6
Bowen-Bremer 4
Seeberg-Gerber 6
Snediker-Brewer 4
Wentz-Taylor 6(7-5)
Howell-Duffy 5
Seeberg-Gerber 6
Bowen-Bremer 4
Snediker-Brewer 6
Wentz-Taylor 1
Lepkowski-Ingersoll 6
Howell-Duffy 4
Bowen-Bremer 7
Snediker-Brewer 5
Lepkowski-Ingersoll 6
Wentz-Taylor 3
Seeberg-Gerber 6
Howell-Duffy 1
Lepkowski-Ingersoll 3-0
Seeberg-Gerber 3-0
Snediker-Brewer 1-2
Bowen-Bremer 1-2
Wentz-Taylor 1-2
Howell-Duffy 0-3

Monday, July 20, 2015

Players for July 25

BowenBrian confirm to Al Miller at
DuffyBrian confirm to Al Miller at
Ingersoll Bob
LepkowskiBob confirm to Al Miller at
Morgan Lloyd confirm to Al Miller at
SeebergDan confirm to Al Miller at
Snediker Bob confirm to Al Miller at
Wentz Pete
Harper to provide  BALLS

Standings After 10 Weeks

2014 2014 Last 2015 Player W L Pct.
Pct Rank Week Rank        
0.656 2 1 1 BowenBrian 11 4 0.733
0.391 10 2 2 SnedikerBob 9 5 0.643
NA NA 3 3 Howell David 9 5 0.643
0.500 8 4 4 Pappas Dean 14 8 0.636
0.667 1 5 5 SeebergDan 8 6 0.571
0.615 3 13 6 Wentz Pete 10 9 0.526
0.593 6 T8 7 Harper Mike 10 10 0.500
0.600 5 11 8 Gerber Dave 12.0 12.5 0.490
0.370 11 14 9 Ingersoll Bob 10.0 10.5 0.488
0.615 NA 12 10 MorganLloyd 7.5 8.0 0.484
0.200 13 6 11 Taylor Bob 11 12 0.478
0.611 4 7 12 Graham Mike 6 7 0.462
0.550 7 T8 13 Bremer Bob 9 11 0.450
0.389 NA T8 14 BrewerJack 10 13 0.435
NA NA 15 15 FlanaginJohn 7 10 0.412
0.333 12 16 16 DuffyBrian 6 18 0.250
0.222 13 17 17 Miller Al 3 13 0.188