Monday, August 15, 2011

Standings After Thirteen Weeks

Graham Gains, but Lepkowski Still Leads
Needs 2 Plays to Qualify

10% 10 Last 11 Player W L Pct.

0.509 9 1 1 LepkowskiBob 15 5 0.750
0.455 NA 2 2 Graham Mike 18 9 0.667
0.450 NA 6 3 Bremer Bob 16 11 0.593
0.606 1 3 4 Gerber Dave 14 10 0.583
0.582 4 5 5 Morgan Lloyd 18 15 0.554
NA NA 9 6 Dziersk Mark 17 16 0.523
0.561 6 T7 T7 SeebergDan 10 10 0.500
0.569 5 10 T7 Wentz Pete 12 12 0.500
0.525 8 12 T7 Harper Mike 15 15 0.500
0.412 11 T7 10 HowellDavid 6 6 0.478
0.833 NA 4 11 WeinsteinLarry 10 11 0.476
0.353 NA 11 12 Ingersoll Bob 11 13 0.458
0.383 12 14 13 Taylor Bob 14 19 0.415
0.597 3 13 14 Pappas Dean 10 16 0.385
0.442 10 15 15 SawdeyDick 11 19 0.367
0.277 13 16 16 Miller Al 7 20 0.259

9 Plays Needed to Qualify for final standings
QUalified for final standings
Needs 1 Play to Qualify
Needs 2 Plays to Qualify with three weeks left
Will not qualify

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